10 RecSys papers everyone should read

2 min readNov 27, 2017


In this post, we present a very opinionated list of 10 RecSys papers everyone should read. The first five papers are the top-5 most rated papers according to the ACM digital library (out of a list of 925 papers published). These five papers account for ~ 12% of all the RecSys conference papers citations!

Since 2009, the best contributions to the annual ACM RecSys Conference were honored with awards, and our next top-5 list are the RecSys best-paper-awards winners from the last five years. You can see the full list of award winners papers in our website

RecSys’18 takes place in Vancouver, Canada

The 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems will take place in Vancouver, Canada, 2nd-7th October 2018 — if you want to submit your work or attend the conference, please check our website, where we have recently published our call for contributions and important dates.




Written by ACMRecSys

The official Medium feed for the #RecSys community. Next conference: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 27 — October 1, 2021

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